
Homeless Boy Discovers He Is a Millionaire’s Son After Finding a Wallet in the Trash

Timmy is a homeless kid who lived under a bridge with his mother. He noticed there was a new trash bin nearby. He started rummaging through it hoping to find some food scraps for his dinner that night. As he went through the trash, Timmy came across a wallet. It was made out of soft leather and it looked like it was still in good condition. But when Timmy opened the wallet, he was shocked to find his own picture inside.   Timmy's thoughts raced as he tried to make sense of this discovery. It was all too good to be true. Who knew that this wallet would find itself in his hands? Could it be owned by his father? He quickly put the wallet in his pocket, making sure that it would be safe. Timmy had no idea where to start the search for the wallet's owner. But he was determined. He believe this small stroke of luck would lead to a better future. It was dark now so he could not study the contents of the wallet well. He had to wait for the morning. Finding the owner Timmy woke up early

What would you get in the $5 meal deal proposed by McDonalds?

McDonald’s is considering a $5 menu offering to lure back customers who have complained that the fast-food restaurant has raised its prices too high, according to Bloomberg.                                             According to a person who spoke with Bloomberg on the condition of anonymity, the company tried to implement the $5 meal deal but was rebuffed by McDonald’s franchisees, who pay into an advertising fund to be allowed to offer opinions on major marketing campaigns. Franchisees run about 95% of U.S. McDonald’s restaurants, and earlier this year they decided not to support the $5 menu option, the person told Bloomberg. Some franchise operators were concerned about losing money on the roughly four-week promotion, according to the story. McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski said on an April 30 earnings call with analysts and investors that the company has to be “laser-focused” on keeping prices affordable to win customers back, according to CBS News.